So the inevitable has happened. I talk about films so much that I figure why not just write it all down so you can read it at your leisure. I figure I should let you know a few things about the way I rate things. First of all, I use the DaveScale, created by my cousin Dave:
1 - 4.5: Fail, based on how fired up I get about it's crapness.
5 - 5.5: Thumbs down but a pass (something like a C-)
6 - 7.5: Fair to Good - a good way of thinking about this is a really good bad movie (a guilty pleasure or similar) or a film that should have been higher but just missed the mark.
8: The first mark for a very good film, 4 stars. This mark and above is really a matter of taste.
9: something like an A grade
9.5 -10: A+
It seems that I rate things generously/highly. And I do, but there is one reason for that which will betray my snobbish outlook from the beginning - I don't see anything crap. I don't see production line teen comedies, brainless action flicks (although I do like a good, violent film if done well) and stupid infeasible chick flicks etc. Occasionally I will fail something and get very passionate about failing it. I get so fired up about the fail usually because I have expected some basic level of quality and been horribly, horribly disappointed *ahemLastDaysahemPoorHomageToKurtCobainAhem*. Having said this, I am actually quite open to acknowledging that people enjoy films for different reasons. The things I talk about here are merely the reasons that I enjoy movies.
I also have a massive preference for character/theme driven films over plot driven films.
I like art direction and it's my dirty secret that it can sustain me for a whole film, be it sexy, highly stylised, dark and brooding.
I love well used, sexy violence. Examples would be The Departed and the Proposition.
I use the term 'sexy' far too much.
I am a film snob. I like 'arty farty' movies.
I often have a lot of typos, grammatical errors etc. that I can't be arsed fixing. I often just swear instead of thinking of something more eloquent. But, I usually write the reviews right after I've seen the movie and just want to get it all out. Deal with it.
I may from time to time use this as a forum to have a rant about poor cinema behaviour, be excited about upcoming films and other movie things in general.
I daresay I will mainly review things I have seen at the cinema.
Feel free to use the comments as a place for discussion - buut if you are viewing them, be warned they may contain spoilers.
And importantly....I realise I am prone to being long real life, in emails, in my old I am going to endeavour to keep these reviews short and sweet. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments.