Saturday, February 10, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

I had heard an awful lot of hype about this movie before I saw it, whih never seems to work too well for me. I'd heard it was disturbing, gory, moving etc etc etc. I didn't really find it any of those things - except gory. When stuff like this happens I worry that I see too many films and I have genuinely become desensitised.

So as everyone has probably heard by now, this is a war movie/fairy tale hybrid. The combination intrigued me and I think it actually worked really well. The fairy tale sequences fell into the more grounded 'war' part nicely, acting as a sort of escape for Ofelia, the little girl who had come to live with a Captain because her mother had married him. None of the roles were ever overplayed, despite the fact there was ample opportunity for it because of the fairy tale side of the movie.

The whole thing was suitably mystical, and believable from a number of levels. The realists among us can chose to believe the fairy tale parts were her escape, and those more willing to believe in magic can believe that she really did experience these things. The mythical characters were all delightful without being disgustingly sweet - even most of the monsters, except one which was totally gut turning for me for some reason (probably because Catherine had given me a heads up hehe). And the fantasy side had the suitably grim edge that I think really works well in all things fairy tale.

The war side of the film was where most of the gore came in. Some things are just very graphic, and there is a lot of shooting, and viewing of the aftermath of post WWII style violence. I did have to look away more than once.

I found this film to be just as I imagined it would have been. Nothing out of this world spectacular, but entertaining and mythical to the point where I could just lose myself in it for a couple of hours. I would really be interested in seeing what other people have to say about it - I think i'm just on the cusp of really loving this film.

EDIT - I am no longer on the cusp of loving this film. After a day to think about it, I was too underwhelmed to give it any more than 7.5. Sure it was good, but it could have been great. See the comment posted for further clarifications...i agree with both, I think the 'moral' discussed in the second one was dealt with too subtley for a film of this nature, so much so that it was lost.



Anonymous said...

Hey Kat.

I was looking forward to Pan's for such a long time and you're right it's been hyped beyond belief. It's a long way from the masterpiece it has been billed as, and in the end I found it to be pretty ho hum. The villain was completely one dimensional and maybe that suits the genre but for me, made his demise predictable. I didn't particularly care for anyone, except perhaps the maid. It wasn't nearly as amazing or imaginative as I had hoped, although the creature with eyes in his hands, and that set, was visually interesting. There was little consequence to Ofelia's mistake in that scene, when she broke the rules. Why would that faun give her a second chance, what did she do to deserve one - nothing in my opinion. Perhaps my expectations were too high. It's far from poorly made, but I felt very empty after this film and dissapointed. I don't think this film will be that well remembered. Not like truly original fantasy films like the Dark Crystal.

7 for mine.

Anonymous said...

Ok time to let loose on you non-believers.
Kat, I agreed with your comments HOWEVER I found that letting a day pass, and giving the movie time to settle in my soul made me think it was BETTER than when i first watched it - the themes really came out in the wash for me.

Mr ego - screw your head on:
"There was little consequence to Ofelia's mistake in that scene, when she broke the rules. Why would that faun give her a second chance, what did she do to deserve one..."

read between the lines man. the movie was about FACISM, blind obedience and conforming. Ofelia was showing that she was not blindly obedient.
Just as with her last test when she refuses to conform to the faun, she ACTUALLY passes the AWESOME IS THAT?!?!!?!?

No matter who it is - facists, fauns, friends or enemies - you shouldn't follow without questioning.

the movie rocks.